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Guardamar Beach

It was packed at Guardamar today you could not move. Had all the family their with us from Scotland and they loved it. We had a lovely lunch at one of the bars on the promenade and really chilled out. We all enjoyed our day and shall be trying La Marina beach tomorrow as friends have said that this is also a lovely beach and less crowded.
If there is anyone who has any other suggestions on any nice beaches that are not too far please let me know. Thanks


Benimar Business For Sale

FOR SALE - TRASPASO - Fabulous American themed Bar/Restaurant situated in Benimar, Benijofar. Includes all fixtures, fittings and memorabilia. Low monthly rent for premises. Outside terrace area, ground floor restaurant area and bar, fully fitted kitchen and large storage room, first floor restaurant and bar. Very popular all year round. Email [email protected] for more information.

Do you know how long the lease is for, and how many years was the business operating and is it still opened now?

Commented chrishenrick in Almoradi 2011-07-09 16:17:31 UTC

Hi Benijofar life,
Can you send me an email to let me know how much money is the business going for, how long is the lease etc. Many thanks

Commented babyfour in Torrevieja 2011-07-10 15:42:00 UTC

Hi, Does anyone know what month the night market in Guardamar ends? I have some family coming at the begining of October and am not sure if it will still be on. If not can you recommend any others.

La Marina

Horse Riding

Dose anyone have any information about the Horse riding stables down towards Torrevieja it is on the right hand side of the N332 close to La Mata. It can be seen just a bit further over from the grape vines it has a very long white wall. Used to know its name.
Am also looking for any other Equestrian Centre that does riding on any of the Beaches.

La Marina

Royal Caribbean Cruise Offer

Fabulous offer from Royal Caribbean for a 12 night cruise on 10th October, sailing from Barcelona and calling at Messina (Sicily), Corfú, Istanbul, Pireo (Athens), Palermo (Sicily) and returning to Barcelona.
From just 705€ per person, taxes included!
Call us to book on 966761492


Do you get transport included in the price to Barcelona?

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-10 09:27:49 UTC


The square seems to be taking ages to complete! Does anyone know for sure when it will be completed and will it be ready for the parades at the end of this month?


yip it definatley will be the head of the project is one of our regulars who assures us the square itself will be ready for the fiestas but it will be the end of sept before the bar . fountain and newspaper kiosk is completed

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-07-10 01:55:24 UTC

Thank you for the update and really pleased to hear that the square will be ready for the parades. I will be posting confirmation of this on another communication so as many people as possible will know about it. I am sure many people will be delighted. Cheers

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-10 08:37:46 UTC

Eat alll you can grill @Cafe Vienna

Well guys what can i say another sell out night last night @Cafe Vienna for our all you can eat grill night and only a few tables left for next tuesday so if you want to book either pop in or leave us a message on here and thanks again to spanish life for the oppertunity to tell people out there whats happening @Cafe Vienna


Once again well done to Cafe Vienna for another packed and successful evening on their all you can eat Grill Night. If you would also like to achieve the same success then why don´t you also inform the general public what you offer on this forum and events calendar and start to see the difference. Well done Cafe Vienna!!!!!!

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-06-30 18:41:56 UTC

wow spanish life it really does work as we are now sold out already for next tuesday never thought this would be so succesful but if you want to book for the following tuesday 12th july then i would book now to avoid dissapointment

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-06-30 23:39:09 UTC

wow another fantastic night almost 50 grills done tonite its just getting busier and busier every week so book now for next week to avoid dissapointment

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-07-05 23:21:34 UTC

Brilliant news for Cafe Vienna again as their Eat all you can Grill nights are going from strength to strength. Why not add your services to our website and start to see the difference just like Cafe Vienna have. Keep up the good work!!!!

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-06 10:02:04 UTC

sorry guys if you tried to book with us for this tuesday but we r sold out again for our Eat all you can grill nite so if you want to book for next week please do it soon as places are limited

Commented cafe vienna in Quesada 2011-07-10 01:58:53 UTC


It seems to me that the Forum is becoming more like an advertising page, as is the My Spanish Life section. Surely advertisers should be using the Services Section to advertise? The way the My Spanish Life section seems to be going, you may as well do away with the rest of the website and just have that area!


Thank you for pointing this out, all adverts have been removed from My Spanish Life any new ones will be deleted

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2011-07-06 10:11:41 UTC

I agree too and think that the administrators should remove advertising from the forum - I can see that businesses would want to advertise one off events / sales but when you constantly see the same businesses advertising day in/day out it does get annoying. Businesses should use the other advertising options on the site.

Commented Richard in Quesada 2011-07-06 20:00:57 UTC

I have to agree that the new forum appears to be used virtually as an advertising site for local bars and businesses. The old site was used by people wanting advice and help on all kinds of different aspects relating to living in Spain, which is what I thought the whole purpose of the forum was. Maz

Commented Maz in Quesada 2011-07-07 08:26:52 UTC

How the site is used is down to the members, have a look at the La Marina forum, they have advertising as well but the people there use the site to find out what is going on and ask questions so this makes the adverts far less prominent. So why not use the site more and the adverts will become less important.
I also note that a lot of the adverts here are about what is going on as a posed to trying to sell a product, I for one find this useful to see what events are happening now, at this busy time of year.

Commented Daves Homes in Rojales 2011-07-07 08:47:40 UTC

But surely the Events page should be used for businesses to advertise the events that they have coming up? The forum should be used like Maz says for asking questions and giving advice on all aspects of living in Spain and the local area.

Commented Richard in Quesada 2011-07-07 10:00:22 UTC

I find the layout very difficult to follow and think that it would be better if different areas were segregated. I feel that the site is being spoilt by there being too many advertisers mixed in with points of interest

Commented spanglish in Quesada 2011-07-07 16:14:14 UTC

So by the sound of it you do not like much about this site? I do not see what the problem is with the layout, someone post and others comment, its the same as facebook and that works for Millions of people.

Commented Daves Homes in Rojales 2011-07-07 17:58:41 UTC

I agree with you Dave!!! What is the difference as you say facebook, as well as twitter works very well for millions around the world. What is the problem with some advertising? Ok if its the same all the time then we can control this but a mix of both is a good blend.

Commented Rio in Almoradi 2011-07-07 19:03:30 UTC

Hi Guys
I have to say I agree with kiera. You must consider that the purpose of my spanish life, as explained to us at the outset was to discuss my spanish life. I did check with the providers that the requirements were that of blog type story telling,and "how to" features.

I also checked that the purpose was not for advertising, buying ,selling, after all we have already been provided with plenty of scope to do that.

By not following the intended original structure the sites have been saturated with repeat advertising, its messy and un appealing.

For the record I love the sites, I enjoy the chat, info and exchange of information however it is a fact that due to improper use by many contributers, the my spanish life section has so far failed to deliver its original format and in that case it is not fit for its intended purpose.

I had spoken with the service provider several days ago who agrees with this,so much so that many of the adverts have been removed and will continue to be so, therefore, Kiera is right in accordance with the original intention of my spanish life, the concept has failed so far.

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-07-08 22:07:37 UTC

Surrey it depends on what you are advertising, for all i know ( we love it here ) works for Avon or Boots and is advertising their products on here. We advertise our classes on here which is a business but also we are giving people a chance to integrate with each other. So is that a bad thing?

Please see my post above lol

Commented Chalk Face Academia in Almoradi 2011-07-09 11:42:43 UTC

Oh come on chalk face academy you must be joking ! First of all with regard to avon products, as id explained in answer to a request for sugestions and cures, I suffer teribly from a mosquito allergy that at times makes my life a misery, I was only trying to offer the benefit of my experience having tried so many products gadgets and gizmos, I dont work for avon but I do advertise my business on this site, the thing is I advertise it in the correct place and I just wish other people would take the time and trouble to use and navigate the site correctly, how hard can it be ?

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2011-07-09 23:22:03 UTC


EBay users, some people over here have been getting scam emails from a company pretending to be PayPal. They aren't and have been reported to EBay. Not sure if it's happening in UK but just be aware, if you get one .....  bin it. 


maz as ever you are allways of a great help there are to many scams out there.

Commented monk67 in Quesada 2011-07-09 19:54:48 UTC


Dramatic Licence will be staging this play at the end of October. Auditions will be at the GAP warehouse (through Algorfa on the next main roundabout at Benijuzar) on Tuesday and Thursday next week at 7.30.
Lots of 'extras' needed as this play will start long before the audience is allowed into the theatre!
Call Suzanne on 680 961 025 for more information.


what parts are needed for the play ?

Commented Sandra Bernice Knott in Quesada 2011-07-08 17:44:24 UTC

A middle-aged, comfortably wealthy couple, their son Eric, daughter Sheila (20s), and her fiancé, Gerald are finishing dinner when an Inspector comes to call. Set in 1912 it is a strong play with a theme of responsibility and conscience - and is also a mystery. The play has been running continuously either in London or on tour for many years and is part of the GCSE English literature syllabus.

Commented mail in Quesada 2011-07-09 19:53:16 UTC
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